Was that my left turn?

June 9, 2022 - Reading time: 6 minutes

I was too pooped to write last night about yesterday’s travels, so here ya go. 

Final morning at the resort found me walking the pier again to begin the day.  Had to stretch those legs before climbing back into the driver’s seat and besides, I couldn’t pass up a last chance to admire my Heron friends. One of them strutted about on the sidewalk, with a decent sized breakfast still wriggling in his beak for several minutes, as if to taunt the humans casting their reels nearby.  Cheeky fella. 

My own breakfast was a bacon/tomato/mushroom omelet with a side of grits. Yum! Then I hit the road about 9:30. 

Made it to Austin about 8:30 last night.  Yep.  Eleven hours for what should have been nine.  Driving recap:


  • Blue skies and fluffy white clouds all the way.  
  • Music streaming kept me singing along with a mix of genres including Jim Croce, One Republic, John Prine and the soundtrack to Les Miz, to name a few.  


  • The entire Interstate system of Texas is under road construction.  Ok, I exaggerate, but not by much.  Lots of white knuckle, steady hands required to navigate between those concrete barriers on I-10 with big rigs looming large in the next lane. 
  • The unfortunate timing of arriving in the Houston area at rush hour. Hence the extra two hours in the car.  

Wild, Wild West, indeed!  Waze directed me on an alternate route for awhile to circumnavigate the Interstate parking lot, but I missed a left turn in the heavy traffic and found myself frazzled downtown.  Oh, did I mention at this point I reeeeally had to pee?  Thank God for my years of teacher-bladder training! 

Fast forward four hours.  I arrived in the Austin driveway just before sunset and into the arms of my wonderful sons.  They helped unload the car and treated me to take-out Thai.  I’ll try to grab some photos of us all later today.