Kings & Kolsch in Cologne

June 22, 2023 - Reading time: 5 minutes

The Cologne Cathedral took over 600 years to complete.  It’s enormous.  Too many stained glass windows to include them all here. 

The 3 Magi Kings who made the pilgrimage to see the infant Jesus have their bones buried there in a jewel encrusted golden tomb.  Thus the image of 3 crowns is found throughout the city.

Sidewalk artists were working in the cathedral plaza on a piece featuring flags of the world. 

The Cologne Bridge is famous for the thousands of engraved locks placed there by couples who lock in their love forever then throw away the key in the Rhine River. James engraved our initials and sent me packing with the keys.  It was really tough to find a spot, but we did! 

Then it was chocolate time!  Lindt sponsors a multi-story chocolate museum with a bonus Ferris wheel.  Wasn’t feeling the Ferris wheel, but the museum was tasty and informative fun.  Amazed at the workers who hand paint chocolate into the intricate molds. 

There are many places in Cologne that reminded us of Rainbow Row back home in Charleston.  

I had enjoyed more wine than intended the evening before, which left me feeling like the sign in the window below: 

But hope was not lost.  A hearty day of walking left me feeling better and ready to partake of Cologne’s famous Kolsch, a light, crisp beer made fresh in breweries throughout the city.  Shout out to our guide, Ross, both a former marine and former resident of Charleston who has lived in Cologne for 8 years.  He did a great job teaching us about “all things Kolsch” at five local breweries.

Then we set sail for the next port.  The chocolate factory with lighted Ferris wheel were lovely in the dusky sky.