Kansas City Play Day

June 10, 2024 - Reading time: 5 minutes

Today we visited the National Museum of Toys and Miniatures.  It was SO COOL!  Housed on the first floor is an extensive collection of dollhouses, tiny furniture and miniature accessories.  I was completely blown away by the craftsmanship and man hours that go into each piece with every material and medium imaginable represented including wood, colored glass, ceramics, metals, and even paintings of people and landscapes on the tiniest of scales.  

The second floor was a literal blast from past featuring popular toys from each decade over the past century.  Oh, the happy childhood memories that flooded back around every corner!  I definitely want to visit again.  There was just so much to see! 

The rotating spiral of toys greets you as you ascend to the second floor.  

The sign behind this miniature chess set is about the size of a small index card.  

The glassware here is smaller than a quarter if stood on its side.  

Magnifying glasses are complimentary and recommended.  

This artist opened a violin to create a tiny violin workshop. 

Then it was TOY TIME!

The beloved Mrs. Beasley!  

I can still hear the jingle in my head - “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.” 
My sister and I played with these in the bathtub circa 1973. 

The Fisher Price garage with hand crank elevator was a favorite of ours, too.

And I adored styling Crissy Doll because her hair looked like mine at age 7. 

A child in the 90’s, our daughter has fond memories playing Pretty, Pretty Princess with my dad (her Pop Pop).
 He would sit crossed legged on the floor with her and race for the most plastic bling.  

We all had fun today just being kids again.