Day One - Biloxi Bound

June 6, 2022 - Reading time: 6 minutes

Today was the first of many 10+ hour drives.  I knew this and planned ahead to embrace it with my beach party playlist all the way to Atlanta and beyond. (BTW, has anyone EVER driven an interstate in ATL and not been cut off in traffic more than once?  People cut you off in Charleston, too, sure, but Atlanta drivers are a special kind of crazy). 

After reaching the suburbs, I celebrated the accomplishment with the soundtrack to Hamilton.  Freedom, indeed. This comprised a huge swath of Alabama.  And no, that irony is not lost on me and thus I enjoyed it all the more.  Loudly.  I did not throw away my shot. 

It was otherwise an uneventful drive and I am thankful for that.  Well, mostly uneventful.   There was a vehicle FULL ON engulfed in flames just before the Mississippi border on the other side of I-65.  Firefighters were actively spraying as I passed.  Oncoming traffic was backed up for miles.  I surely do hope that car was empty.   

On a happier note, I made it to the casino resort just a smidge after rush hour traffic began at 5:15.   It’s a non-smoking property, which is UH-MAZ-ING and honestly one of the reasons I booked it.  Also, my nephew, Cody, and I traveled here a few years back on a freezing cold, rainy January night.  The pool area was deserted then of course, but looked incredibly promising for a summer stay.  I made it a goal to get back someday.  It didn’t disappoint this evening and I’m looking forward to full sun and pool service tomorrow. 

Oh, and the view from the room overlooks the bay, so that was a nice surprise, too.  Now…to make friends with those yacht people parked just beyond the window.