A Lot of Doing Nothing

June 7, 2022 - Reading time: 8 minutes

Today was exactly the self-care kind of day that I envisioned.  

Last night, I slept with ear plugs and the black out curtains drawn.  Then I figuratively died.  Didn’t wake once. Not even to tinkle. No joke. This morning, I woke up when I woke up….without any time constraints whatsoever (which just happened to be 6:44 local time).  Not going to lie.  It was heaven. 

Looking out the window, the sun had risen over Biloxi Bay, but was low enough to indicate a comfortable temperature.  The fishing pier beckoned.  It is adjacent to the casino parking lot and runs parallel to the Bay Bridge.  Y’all…it’s a mile long. For real. Check out the map image below. 

I fixed a quick cup of hotel coffee, strapped on the walking shoes and hit the sidewalk.  So peaceful.  A few folks were fishing and I witnessed the coolest thing: Great Blue Herons standing like sentinels just feet away from three different people casting their lines.  Occasionally a fisherman would toss a bait scrap towards their bill. It was downed in one quick gulp and then the soldier stance immediately resumed with a patient resolve.  What majestic fishing buddies! 

After working up a good sweat it was time to chill by the pool.  Vegas and Atlantic City have their fair share of resort casino properties, but the Palace Casino pool in Biloxi, MS is pretty dang sweet on a Tuesday.  I’m sure it’s not as glitzy, but it is not overrun with people and has the nicest staff of attendants and servers.  

I stayed out there for hours.  Reading a beachy paperback (which was ironically set on Sullivan’s Island), sipping on hard seltzer, and noshing on peanut butter pretzels and apple slices between dips in the water.  More heaven.  

One leisurely late afternoon shower later,  I was starving.  A short Google search for nearby beach front dining turned up a little gem known as The Reef,  with a second story rooftop bar and killer spicy Ahi tacos.  They had local beers on tap, too. The sea breeze was divine and afterwards I took a small walk along the shore for an obligatory toe dip in the Gulf.  This section of the coast is liberally dotted with cozy beach dives and if you look closely you’ll spot the surfside Waffle House nestled between them for closing time emergencies. This town thought of everything. 

It’s only been one day of “do nothing” solitude, but I am so blissfully recharged.  And the best is yet to come.  I get to hug my boys before the sun sets tomorrow.  Life is good and I am so grateful. 

Day One - Biloxi Bound

June 6, 2022 - Reading time: 6 minutes

Today was the first of many 10+ hour drives.  I knew this and planned ahead to embrace it with my beach party playlist all the way to Atlanta and beyond. (BTW, has anyone EVER driven an interstate in ATL and not been cut off in traffic more than once?  People cut you off in Charleston, too, sure, but Atlanta drivers are a special kind of crazy). 

After reaching the suburbs, I celebrated the accomplishment with the soundtrack to Hamilton.  Freedom, indeed. This comprised a huge swath of Alabama.  And no, that irony is not lost on me and thus I enjoyed it all the more.  Loudly.  I did not throw away my shot. 

It was otherwise an uneventful drive and I am thankful for that.  Well, mostly uneventful.   There was a vehicle FULL ON engulfed in flames just before the Mississippi border on the other side of I-65.  Firefighters were actively spraying as I passed.  Oncoming traffic was backed up for miles.  I surely do hope that car was empty.   

On a happier note, I made it to the casino resort just a smidge after rush hour traffic began at 5:15.   It’s a non-smoking property, which is UH-MAZ-ING and honestly one of the reasons I booked it.  Also, my nephew, Cody, and I traveled here a few years back on a freezing cold, rainy January night.  The pool area was deserted then of course, but looked incredibly promising for a summer stay.  I made it a goal to get back someday.  It didn’t disappoint this evening and I’m looking forward to full sun and pool service tomorrow. 

Oh, and the view from the room overlooks the bay, so that was a nice surprise, too.  Now…to make friends with those yacht people parked just beyond the window.  

Thoughts from the night before

June 5, 2022 - Reading time: ~1 minute

A month.  One whole month.  I have never been away from my house for that long.  The bags are packed and the car is loaded.  I am crazy wild excited and maybe a tiny bit terrified.  Hubs taught me how to change a tire today because you know...Murphy's Law dictates that if I know how to do that then I won't need to actually do it.  Here's to hoping that Murphy holds up his end of the bargain. 

If all goes according to the Google Spreadsheet, this blog will soon contain posts from places I have never visited including casinos, canyons, mountains, and oceans.  Fingers crossed for sightings of aliens and whales (which let's face it, are aliens, right?).  I purchased a pair of polarized prescription sunglasses for the first time ever just in case.  These eyes don't want to miss a thing.  Next stop (Murphy willing), Biloxi, MS.